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If I were President
Ruby’s Diner
Back Porch Secrets
Human Collateral
John’s Hidden Truth
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Shadow Eyes 2, Where's My Child
Author: Tanya Hilson
A young LAPD detective and her partner must solve a high-profile murder case involving the Mayor of Los Angeles’s daughter….
Price: $7.99
Back’Porch Secrets was a little different type of read for me but I really did enjoy it!! Like Ms. Ruby said, “All you need is a little faith, the size of a mustard seed”.
Ruby’s Diner started off funny, but it turned out to be an emotional read. You never know what someone’s been through. We all need a Ms. Ruby in our lives. I love how the characters were portrayed in the book especially Gigi and Debbie. I would love to see this make it to TV on streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon prime
MS Cozart
As a pediatric therapist I love the message in this book. It’s so important for ALL kids to understand that they are unique, incredible and have much to offer.